[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (2024)

Lee Sin has been hit hard with the recent nerfs so don't just lock him and just go fighting everyone. You need to be smart with your matchups and very proactive to win your games. There has been a hype following the buff of Lee Sin's ult, however I do not think it makes a huge difference, especially after the huge W nerf.

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (1)

EatMyOreoView Profile

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (3)

LV. 3

Patch 2.6a

December 29, 2021 10:42

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (4)

Nerfed Lee Sin Git Gud

As lee sin is my main and favorite champion, I have some suggestions that I would like to share, that might help you get your lee sin gameplay to another level.


  • High mobility
  • Great dueling
  • Strong early game
  • Flexible build
  • Great ultimate
  • Objective steal potential


  • Falls of late game
  • Weak to CC
  • Hard to master
  • Hard to play against tanks.

Lee Sin Build

Best Build Guide for Lee Sin

Starting Items

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (5)

Core Items

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (6)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (7)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (8)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (9)

Full build against critical champs

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (10)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (11)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (12)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (13)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (14)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (15)

Viable Boot enchantments

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (16)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (17)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (18)

Full build vs Mages

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (19)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (20)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (21)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (22)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (23)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (24)

Alternate Build

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (25)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (26)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (27)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (28)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (29)

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (30)

Item Build Description

Additional information on the items

  1. When the game starts grab Long Sword which will help you clear camps or gank early.
  2. General jungle pathing for lee sin is Red>Chickens>Blue>Crab>Gank or Crab. I like to ward my blue at the start of the game. Replace ward with sweeper after first reset.
  3. Do your first recall at 1700 gold or 1200 gold sometimes if the game goes well go for the full item.
  4. Try to complete your first item before dragon spawns, if you manage to score some early kills make sure you recall and buy.
  5. If you go for Youmuu's Ghostblade first item skip the boots as it gives you more than enough move speed. Buy boots after you complete the seconds item if the enemy doesn't have tons of crowd control and you dont need [mercury's threads], which is the boots you will build in 90% of your games as Lee Sin is very vulnerable to CC.
  6. For boot upgrades buy [locket enchant] or if your support already has one go for Redeeming Enchant. Buy [stasis enchant] if you like to go for outplays or enemy has a burst champions like Fizz or Zed.
  7. Sterak's Gage and Randuin's Omen make you fairly tanky brawler and is excellent for dueling in late game.
  8. If you go for anti mage build you will lack damage as it doesnt have Trinity Force so try to engage with [lee sin:1] and Dragon's Rage. Then get out of the fight and go in again for clean up.
  9. Remember Lee Sin has some tankiness, but he cannot be the main frontline of the team. If your team doesnt have a tank after Youmuu's Ghostblade go for the full tank item set.
  10. Go for anti mage build when enemy has 3 or more mage champions, otherwise only build [maw of malmortuis] or Adaptive Helm
  11. Remember Lee Sin is an early game champion so make use of it. If you dont invade, gank or disrupt enemies farm you are destined to fall off very easily so focus on that. Although dont just stand there while waiting for opportunities farm in those windows.
  12. If you have a good mid laner with a strong early game or supportive abilities, like Orianna, Seraphine play extra agressive early game, go for invades and 2v2 crab fights as you will win them by default.
  13. This tip is for all the jungle players. Look at the map, like all the time, observe while farming, are the enemies overextended? Are they staying on low hp? Is your team poking enemies well? Then it is time to gank, it is ok not to finish clearing if you see the opportunity always go for it.
  14. Don't forget enemy has a jungle and mid laner too so try to locate them before you go all in so you dont get counter ganked.

Lee Sin Runes

Best Runes for Lee Sin


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (40)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (41)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (42)

Hunter Titan


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (43)


Take Conqueror as you can easily stack it with your skills. Brutal for early damage and jungle clear. Hunter Titan as you are going to be roaming the whole time so it is easy to stack as well. Mastermind to take down objectives faster and gain extra gold and EXP.


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (48)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (49)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (50)

Adaptive Carapace


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (51)


This rune set is for invading. Don't take this if you don't plan to invade as otherwise Brutal is better than Champion for clearing jungle. Make sure you let your team know you are invading. [Spirit Walker] is for better early sustain which will also help you invade. Mastermind is a must have on nearly any jungler as it can help you snowball your lead.

Also if you took Champion rune and things are going well and you haven't died, go for Guardian Angel second item.

Skill Order

How to distribute skill points

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (56)

Flurry- Passive

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (57)

Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (58)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (59)

Tempest / Cripple


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (60)

Dragon's Rage


Summoner Spells

When to take which summoners


Just take it, no questions asked


take smite, dont troll


Learn how to maximize the champions potential

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (63)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (64)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (65)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (66)



  1. You max out Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike first as it is you main damage ability.
  2. Take Dragon's Rage whenever available.
  3. Max out Tempest / Cripple second as it has AOE damage and slow.
  4. Max out Safeguard last as it doesn't give you cooldown reduction anymore.


I will call first skill - Q, Second - W , Third - E and Ultimate - Ult , Auto Attack - AA

Q-Q-E-W to get out, is a great short trade burst combo. Make sure you use AAs after skills to get the maximum burst, especially aftercompleting Trinity Force.

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (72)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (73)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (74)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (75)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (76)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (77)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (78)


So you start with Q, when you hit and go for second phase Q press ULT mid air and when u finish Q animation quickly flash behind enemies to kick them towards your teammates. This combo requires good timing and mechanics so make sure you practive it in the training mode.

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (79)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (80)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (81)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (82)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (83)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (84)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (85)


I think this is by far the most difficult Lee Sin combo, you use your Q, then get close to the enemy with your W, than do Flash Ult and go after them with second phase of your Q. Finish them off with E and AAs.

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (86)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (87)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (88)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (89)


You use ur Q and go after enemy with the second phase of your Q, dont let it finish you enemy has CC ready or you want to do combo quickly. You do W while ur mid air from your second phase of Q and kick enemy towards your team using Ult.

This is the basic insect combo, which I dont find really useful in wild rift as if you do this combo in teamfight u rely on Flash to get away from enemies. Do this combo to pick off somebody who is trying to escape, kick people out of turrets or while ganking.

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (90)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (91)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (92)


You use your Q and the second phase of your Q to go towards an enemy but then, you cancel it by using your W backwards.

This is a bait combo that I like to use, you might bait CC abilities or even some spells using this, however it is kind of a gamble since if enemy doesn't use anything you are left without your mobility skills.

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (93)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (94)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (95)


[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (96)


This is a Dragon/Baron steal combo that I use. I try to hit Q out of the wall, then I go in and try to E and smite at the same time for the maximum damage. Lee Sin is one of good at stealing neutral objectives so sometimes it is worth to try for a comeback. If you have Orianna, Malphite, Gragas or Kennen ask them to go in with you for Crowd Control support. Also if enemy is trying to steal try to use you ult to kick them out of the smite range, or Q the drake and use second phase of Q and Smite.

Lee Sin Matchups & Counters

Detailed information on how to play matchups and counters

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (97)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (98)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (99)


Jarvan Iv

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (100)


Master Yi

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (101)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (102)


Dr. Mundo

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (103)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (104)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (105)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (106)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (107)


Xin Zhao

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (108)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (109)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (110)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (111)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (112)



[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (113)



Easy matchup, get out after he uses his ult, or use yours to escape.

[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (114)

Brief Conclusion

In conclusion Lee Sin is an early game champion which falls off hard if you dont snowball and take drakes. So make use of your early game by knowing your matchups not only in the jungle but in other lanes too. Generally dont try to help laners who are feeding since they will make you lose too. Try to snowball winning lanes and know which champions are easily gankable for you. If your laner is weaker in early game enemy might overextend so be on the lookout not to miss that opportunity. For any other further questions that you have, make sure you comment down below and I will try to answer it as soon as possible. Thank you for checking out my guide I hope it helps you master Lee Sin Further. If you are curious about my rank or Lee Sin matches or winrates, I am Diamond IV in EU server, with 198 matches on Lee (65.2%) win rate. IGN: EatMyOreo#MILK. If you liked this guide make sure you comment which champion guide you would like to see next.


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  1. Guide
  2. Item Builds
  3. Runes
  4. Combos
  5. Lee Sin Matchups
  6. Brief Conclusion

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[2.6a] Lee Sin Jungle Guide for LoL: Wild Rift - by EatMyOreo (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.